Learn what it takes to run a successful Electrical Business. We discuss current and future trends in the electrical industry. My name is Jose Moreno, and I have been in the electrical business since I graduated from high school. I studied a trade rather than go to college, and I began working for a contractor. When the economy crashed in 2008, I was one of the many people who lost their jobs. I decided to double down on myself and become licensed as an electrician to run my own business. As it turned out, there was so much to learn that I hadn’t learned in school. By watching this show, you can see for yourself what some of those lessons are, and I encourage you to subscribe to this Podcast to learn them

Thursday Jun 08, 2023
How to be a better influencer
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
In this episode of Life of an Electrical Contractor, I take a break from talking about being a contractor and focus on “the life.” We tend to think of influencers as a specific type of job or title meaning you have a lot of followers on social media. The fact is, we are all influencers and we are all being influenced in some way. As a leader in your community, you are an influence on everyone around you. And as someone who is around other people and who consumes any kind of media, you are being influenced. In this episode, I want you to take a serious look at what is influencing you, and whether or not that influence helps you. Watch this episode to become a better leader by having a better understanding of what an influencer is.

Friday May 26, 2023
How to Be a Better Man
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
On this episode of Life of an Electrical Contractor, I take a break from talking about business and instead focus on another important aspect of having a happy and fulfilling life that most people don’t talk about: being a better man. Being a better man often means resisting the urge to be the “bigger man.” We do this constantly without realizing it, which is why it’s so important to become aware of your own patterns and triggers. Often, to be the better man, you have to learn to let go of your need to be the “bigger man.” This episode will show you why and how.

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
The Cutting Edge of Growing Produce with Ron McKay
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
On this episode of the Life of an Electrical Contractor, I have a special guest: My good friend, Ron McKay. Ron has been a friend of mine for many years now, and I’ve watched him go from the deepest depths to the highest highs. In this interview, he’ll share the story of how he became a successful entrepreneur, how he had to shut down his business practically overnight, and how he started his newest venture, Hammock Greens. Hammock Greens grows leafy greens in shipping containers, using an innovative technology that can grow the same amount of produce a 30 acres in the space the size of a mobile home. He is on the cutting edge of AgTech, and he is set to scale up and disrupt the entire agriculture industry. Watch this interview to learn what he’s doing now, and how he got to where he is.

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
On this episode of the Life of an Electrical Contractor, I talk more about mindset. As a business owner, you run more than just your business. You also lead your family and your community. You have to constantly evaluate where you are so you can evolve. It isn’t comfortable to to something new, especially when things are going well, but if you want to stay ahead in business, you must constantly be expanding. The first place you need to expand is… well yourself. With that in mind, I recently made the trip to Florida for a business mastermind/boot camp with Valuetainment founder Patick Bet-David and The Next Level Experience founder Raul Villacis. The experience really gave me some new ideas to expand my business and improve my life, and on this episode, I’m going to share some of them with you. Watch the video for more.

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
How to Focus Your Mind to Get the Life You Want
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
On this episode of Life of an Electrical Contractor, I take a break from the electrical contracting side and focus more on life. In this episode, I share what I do in my life to get the most out of it. Yes, I work hard, and I see the results from that hard work, but having financial success and not being able to enjoy it is trapping yourself in a cage. I don’t try to find balance in my life, I look for integration. That means I go 100% (or at least as close to it) at the 4 areas of my life: Body, bonds, business, and being. I focus my attention on where I am and what I’m doing, and I don’t let myself get distracted and be 50% at home and 50% at work. People who do that are spinning their wheels and getting nowhere. Instead, give work everything you’ve got, and then when you’re with your family/at the gym/at church, you give it your all and leave your other areas of your life at the door. Easier said than done? Sure. But isn’t investing in yourself the best investment? Put the work in, find the time to take care of yourself, and everything will grow from there.

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
What Modern Entrepreneues Can Learn From The Parable of the 3 Talents
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
This episode of The Life of an Electrical Contractor is an exploration of the meaning of the Parable of the Talents. This is a story in the bible. The story goes that 3 men are given money, and 2 men take risks and make more, but the third buries the money, even losing out on interest compared to taking it to the bank.The third man is punished. What can we learn from this story in our modern world? Watch this video to learn more.

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
It’s The Last Month of the Year. What Are You Going to Do?
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
As the end of the year approaches, most of us are taking the time to review how the year went. Did you reach your goals? What kept you from accomplishing them? Or did you even make them in the first place? If you didn’t accomplish your goals, are you trying to rush to reach them in the last 3 weeks of the year? On this episode of Life of an Electrical Contractor, I will share with you some advice to move forward in a smart way. You will learn what you can do in 2023 to make it your best year yet. 2023 will be challenging for everyone, but you can take advantage of opportunities that others aren’t prepared for, if you have the right mindset.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
5 Real ESTATE Investment Strategies to Use In an Uncertain Economy
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
On this episode of the show, I give sound advice on what to do in uncertain and volatile times. 2023 is certain to be one of the roughest years in over a decade for investors, and if you’re not careful, you can lose your investment. This episode wil give you 5 strategies to use to make the best decisions in times like these. Watch the video to hear these tips, which will how you how to make decisions in a rational manner based on experience, rather than make decisions based on panic and FOMO. Although the market is volatile now, real estate investing is one of the best long-term investments you can make, and this guide will help you keep that investment and be profitable in the long term.

Thursday Oct 13, 2022
How to Keep Materials From Getting Lost
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
This episode of Life of an Electrical Contractor is a lesson you can apply whether you are a contractor or in any business that deals with moving parts from place to place: How to keep from losing supplies. Anything that is ordered to go to a job site, particularly something that is specific to the job (e.g. NOT extension cords, fuses, socket plates) can get lost. All it takes is one busy moment where someone decides “I need to get this out of the way to deal with this other thing” can throw off an entire job.

Thursday Oct 13, 2022
How to set goals today! that will help you succeed in 2023
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
Thursday Oct 13, 2022
On this episode of Life on an Electrical Contractor, I share with you how to make a plan to succeed in 2023 by starting today. Average people make New Year’s Resolutions. But do you want to be average? No! You want to go above and beyond. So why not start your New Year’s Resolution a few months early? And instead of abandoning your resolution in 6-8 weeks, why not have a plan and stick to it? The fact is, 2023 is going to be a rough year. You can’t control the market. But what you can do is prepare, and find opportunities where other people are looking for excuses. Create a plan of action today, so you’ll be ahead of the game. Watch this video to learn how.